Despite items appearing 'in stock' at checkout, there WILL BE a waiting period. We are diligently working to meet the demand for Ashcraft Beef, but please be aware that as of March 10th, we are booking for the middle of MAY. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.

Antibiotic, Hormone & Growth Injection FREE Cattle
Just BEEF.....NO mRNA Vaccine Here!
We place significant emphasis on grain-finishing our cattle in the final 100-180 days before processing. This approach not only supplements their nutritional intake but also infuses our beef with the marbled texture our customers love. The finishing pasture is over 100 acres and does not cramp our cattle into feed lot form. They have plenty of room to graze, sunbathe or simply just be cattle. The grain blend includes corn, cottonseed hulls, sunflower meal, beet pulp pellets, oats, and essential minerals.
Ashcraft Angus Bull
The first characteristic to look for with an Angus bull is its breeding pedigree. Since we strive for the right genetic background, this bull has an even temperament and a strong, healthy body, and he provides fertility to our herd of cows to ensure a sufficient output of calves.
- Bulls should look masculine and be thickest through the middle of their hindquarters when viewed from the rear.
- A strong, wide, flat back is an indicator of good muscling.
- Bulls with wide shoulders are not necessarily muscular, but circumference of the upper forearm is a good indicator of muscling.